Our Services Dedicated to Supporting You and Your Team in Developing and Enhancing Sustainable Restaurant Practices
Climate Friendly Kitchens is a free sustainability hospitality program focused on working directly with Bay Area restaurants through personalized on-site consultations and training.
Acterra provides support to our local restaurant community by helping them develop plant-based menus and prevent wasted food in the kitchen and dining space. Participating restaurants reap the rewards of expanded clientele, better waste management, improved marketing tactics, and from demonstrating environmental leadership in their community.
How We Can Help
We provide a number of services to help support you and your team in providing delicious plant-based recipes.
Services We Offer
Menu Evaluation
Recipe Development
Supermarket Tour
Waste Evaluation
Kitchen Staff Training
Service Training
Menu Writing & Labeling
Menu Launch
Recipe Development
Supermarket Tour
Waste Evaluation
Kitchen Staff Training
Service Training
Bring in New Customers
Appeal to the growing number of individuals that want plant-based foods
Local restaurants are missing out on a huge opportunity to increase their customer base! The popularity and demand for plant-based meals and options is growing. The majority of Americans (94%) indicated they are willing to eat more plant-based foods, and more than half (63%) indicated they are making efforts to sometimes consume less red meat.
In 2021, the dollar sales growth of almost all plant-based alternatives categories except for meat outpaced that of the animal-based equivalents. Even food delivery apps have noticed an increase in plant-based foods. Restaurants can tap into this consumer trend by providing options that appeal to the growing number of individuals that want plant-based foods.