Please note that this Event took place on February 22, 2024.

Electric Vehicle Incentives

Featured Image for Electric Vehicle Incentives

Think you can’t afford an EV? Think again! Learn about the many financial assistance programs available to income-qualifying residents, including the Clean Cars for All grant and county-specific programs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Afterward, attendees may request a free consultation in our post-event survey for additional guidance in identifying the programs for which they qualify. Presenting Sponsors: Peninsula Clean Energy and Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Note: to income-qualify for most of these programs, you must make no more than 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. For example, a single individual must make less than $54,360 per year and a family of four must make less than $111,000 per year.

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In English with Spanish and Chinese Mandarin.

Event Details for Electric Vehicle Incentives


7 - 8PM PST